PCCUA Foundation Fund

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The Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas Foundation Fund exists to enhance the quality of educational and training services offered by Phillips Community College.

The Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas  (PCCUA) Foundation Fund was established in January of 2020 after the Phillips Community College Foundation, Inc., was dissolved.  The Foundation is a subsidiary organization of the University of Arkansas (UA) Foundation, Inc., and was created by PCCUA to continue to secure philanthropic support for PCCUA.  The University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit organization created under and by the laws of the State of Arkansas for charitable and educational purposes to manage and invest private funds raised by and for the benefit of campuses, divisions and units in The University of Arkansas System.  The Corporation is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  It is separate from the University of Arkansas System and is not supported by state funds. 

As the challenges facing the Phillips Community College District become more complex, private giving will be the margin of excellence in the future, directly affecting the College’s ability to make a positive difference in relation to the needs of the people in Eastern Arkansas.

Phillips Community College is uniquely positioned to make a significant contribution to the economic, cultural and educational development of Arkansas and Phillips Counties.  While the state recognizes the importance of the college and allocates funds for basic programs and services, PCCUA relies on private giving to maintain its academic excellence.  While state support can only guarantee the College a basic level of service, planned giving to the PCCUA Foundation Fund can transform a good community college into a great one.  The College’s initiatives in funding academic scholarships, instructional equipment, carefully planned facilities, faculty development, and cultural arts depend on increasing the private support of those individuals in the private sector who share the College’s vision for excellence.

The determination and selfless support by loyal PCCUA friends have been instrumental in building a proud legacy that helps achieve the College's mission.

Anyone may support the Phillips Community College UA Foundation Fund in its effort to shape the college’s future through philanthropy. Your gift is tax deductible. If you need more information, please contact one of our Development officers.

In-Kind Gifts
Monetary Gifts – Donations by cash or check. Checks made payable to Phillips Community College UA Foundation Fund.
Securities – Donations of stocks, bonds, and other negotiable securities. Contact the Campus Development officer for more information.
Gifts of Trusts, Insurance, Wills, and Annuities - Contact the Campus Development officer for more information.
Scholarships – Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled at Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas. Donors can establish annual or endowed scholarships. Endowments award scholarships in perpetuity.
Honorarium and Memorial Gifts – Donations in honor or memory of an individual or group may be designation to any division of the College.
The overall governance of the PCCUA Foundation Fund is comprised by a Board with representation from each of the three campuses. Each campus has a 12-15 member board comprised of members of the community it serves as well as two representatives from the Board of Visitors. 

The PCCUA Foundation Fund is managed by a part-time Executive Director, who is responsible for supervising the operations of the Foundation. The Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the Foundation board. The current Executive Director of the PCC Foundation is Rhonda St. Columbia.

The PCCUA Development Officer will serve as the principal liaison between PCCUA and the PCCUA Foundation Fund. The Executive Director and Campus Development Officer for each campus shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members for his/her Campus Board. Development Officers assisting with fundraising activities include: -DeWitt Campus; Rhonda St. Columbia-Helena-West Helena Campus; and -Stuttgart Campus. 

Mr. Tom Jacobs, Chair
Mrs. Karen Watts, Vice Chair
Mr. David Jessup, Secretary/Treasurer
Mr. Rick Duffield, Board of Visitors Chair
Mr. Tee Buie
Ms. Laura Essex
Mrs. Mary Jennings
Ms. Vicki Jessup
Mr. Kelly Mitchell
Mrs. Stephanie Noble
Mrs. Susan Williams

Helena-West Helena
Ms. Bernadette Messina, Chair
Mr. Joe Howe, Vice Chair
Mr. Chuck Roscopf, Secretary/Treasurer
Mrs. Betsy Wright, Board of Visitors Rep
Mrs. Geraldine Campbell
Mr. Larry Denson
Mr. Mark Lewis
Mrs. Monique Miller
Mr. Walter Morris, Jr.
Mr. Tommie Shackleford
Mrs. Wendy Von Kanel

Mr. Bryan Oliger, Chair
Ms. Judy Juola, Vice Chair
Ms. Jane Ferguson, Board of Visitors Rep
Ms. Leah Carter
Mr. Jay Coker
Mr. Napoleon Davis
Mrs. Wanda Hartz
Mr. Scott Lambert
Ms. Kylia Neasley
Mrs. Kyle Noble
Mr. Lane Oliver
Ms. Courtney Smith
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Contact Info

Rhonda St. Columbia | Vice Chancellor for College Advancement and Resource Development