Angel Tree - Helena

Angel Tree - Helena
The PCCUA Angel Tree Project on the Helena Campus is an annual project that happens during the November - December holiday season.  “Angels” are children from local school districts who may not receive the things that they need or want for the holidays. The Angels have been nominated by their teachers and administrators as having specific needs and have expressed their “wants” to these nominators.  

PCCUA helps each year by sponsoring Angels, and by purchasing gifts or offering financial support to purchase gifts. There will be updated information each season - check back to this page if you're interested in helping support this important community event.

2024 Angel Tree Project (Helena Campus)

These 72 Angels are children from local school districts who may not receive the things that they need or want for the holidays.  The Angels have been nominated by their teachers and administrators as having specific needs and have expressed their “wants” to these nominators.  


This is where we can all pitch in and help:  Please sponsor (or co-sponsor) an Angel (or two or three).  If you don’t know exactly what to do to sponsor an angel, please follow these steps:

1.             Please refer to the attached Angel Tree List (the link is listed below) and select an angel.  This link will be updated almost immediately, so this is the most accurate way to select an Angel.

2.    Then, let Dr. Tarsha Smith know (via e-mail at the number of the Angel(s) you (or you & your group) have chosen.  Please be sure to let me know that you have selected an Angel and please be sure that you have your Angel selection confirmed!!!  

3.      Purchase the things that the Angel has listed as their wants & needs.

       3a. Please don't feel as if you have to get ALL of the Need Items listed, but it is better to sponsor one Angel completely than getting items for various  Angels.  ANYTHING given is appreciated.

4.     Bring your wrapped items to the Registrars' Office in the Administration Building. If you would like to bring them unwrapped, we will be having a Wrapping Party (time & place to be announced) to wrap them for you.


Donations are also being accepted via a PayPal link on the college webpage or to me directly.  These donations will be used to help tofulfill as many as unsponsored Angels as we can.  If you have anyquestions about donations, please contact me for more information.  Also,if you know of anyone else who would like to sponsor an angel, please forward this on to them or please let me know.


Most importantly – time is of the essence!!  We must have your Angel gifts and/or donations NO LATER than WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 by 4 p.m.  If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, either via e-mail or cell (870-816-6776). Thank you so much for your time and consideration!  Please be sure to sponsor an angel (or several!).  Santa's going to need all the help that you can spare this Christmas 😃


Dr. Tarsha Smith

Coordinator, 2024 Angel Tree Project

PCCUA - Helena Campus

Contact Info

Dr. Tarsha Smith | Coordinator, Angel Tree Project
Helena-West Helena