Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas is a two-year college serving the people of Eastern Arkansas. Through robust partnerships, the College is committed to building stronger communities by delivering quality, affordable education for college transfer and work skills training. We provide multiple services and support to ensure student access with success and encourage the pursuit of knowledge and life-long learning striving to build a foundation for a better life for all.
Our Vision:
Imagine acollege where…
Students begin planning a career or academic experience early in life.
High school students see it as a first choice for education and training.
Student admissions, registration, and enrollment is easy.
High quality teaching and learning experiences allow all students to succeed.
Exceptional programs and services meet the needs of the students, community, and region.
Barriers and obstacles which many students face are removed.
Exceptional state of the arts technology and distance learning infrastructure is provided.
The college is responsive to the needs of the community, even in times of crisis.
Economic development and industry training preparing students for the workforce is a priority.
Engaging in the lives of its students, employees, and community is a priority.
The community views it as a partner, resource, and change agent.
Faculty and staff are provided with professional development, training opportunities, and a positive work environment so they can ensure the best instruction, support for learning, and services.
Imagine a college all people want to attend and a college where everyone wants to work and that is the college we want to be.